The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133314   Message #3031284
Posted By: Melissa
13-Nov-10 - 04:43 PM
Thread Name: Upright (bass)--yike!
Subject: RE: Upright (bass)--yike!
Well, I don't think the leg-holding thing is going to work. I think I'm too short to provide an adequate support that way and can't reach the strings well enough to play if I turn the bass enough to support it with my body.
What's Plan B for a short gal? My outcroppings make the bass want to roll if I don't hold on well with my left hand.

This bass will have been set up as a bowed, orchestral instrument. Will the strings be the height I want? (they seem kind of tall to me)

When should I wrap my fingers?
I don't want to pamper them too much but I certainly won't want finger misery to stop me from working.