The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133386   Message #3031621
Posted By: Teribus
14-Nov-10 - 03:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
Subject: RE: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
"when you are under fire and under threat"

"... they were 5kn away in a nice cool air conditioned helicopter watching it on a TV screen."

The MNF and Iraqi troops on patrol on the ground weren't 5 kilometers away though were they Lox? Your Reuters men had hurried to the scene at the invitation of the insurgents so that Reuters could get their "scoop" and film the ambush from the insurgents side. That is why they were not wearing their vests and helmets - and that plus the company they were in is what made them legitimate targets - and that is what Reuters concluded after having seen the "evidence" within 14 days of the incident happening. The patrol had already come under fire which is why the helicopters were there.

Please Lox tell us about your experience of seeing what 30mm cannon fire can do, As I said I am absolutely dying to hear this fairy-story. You have been inside a house hit by 30mm fire? Standing near a house that was being hit? You were firing a 30mm cannon at a house? Or have you just seen video or photographs? If the latter then you would have to know what ammunition was being used to talk about the effects of that fire. Tell us all what ammunition was being used by the Apache's in the Reuters incident? I can and it would explain why nothing was "blown to bits".

But no murder - no war crime