The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133484   Message #3031623
Posted By: Darowyn
14-Nov-10 - 03:54 AM
Thread Name: Folkies 'n' beards 'n' sandals. Connection?
Subject: RE: Folkies 'n' beards 'n' sandals. Connection?
There have been lots of people posting to say whether or not they are bearded, sandal-shod or whatever, but nobody seems to have discussed the connection so far.
As I see it there are many youth cults based around music genres, where the music style of choice leads into a series of connected lifestyle choices.
So Punks are spiky, Goths are pale and wear black clothes and eyeliner, Metallers have long hair, skinheads go bald at 18 etc.
The object is twofold. Firstly it is to express rebellion against 'convention'- a necessary part of adolescence. Secondly it is to demonstrate group membership and be able to be recognised as a sub-cultural group by other members of it.
It often goes a long with a feeling of being a culturally superior, but persecuted minority.
As far as I know, there are only three adult music cults which involve 'dressing the part.'
There are Country Music/line dancing, Jazz (particularly Trad), and Folk. All of these are pariah genres, looked down upon and derided by the general public.
So the question is, if you look like a folkie, is that because you are a Peter Pan, perpetually adolescent, or because you are a genre snob, dressing as a persecuted but secretly superior minority, or just a wierdo?
Answers on a posting please?
(With no indication of how I look, or whether I'm a wierdo)
A sense of humour will be appreciated, this is intended to amuse, not to cause apoplexy! (Whatever happened to apoplexy?)