The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33719   Message #3032398
Posted By: GUEST,Bree
15-Nov-10 - 02:29 AM
Thread Name: Help: ship sisters?sealion woman?
Subject: RE: Help: ship sisters?sealion woman?
I just heard this song on the TV when I was watching. I was listening to is while on my laptop and before I knew it I was humming and clapping along with it. I was shocked at myself because I had never heard it before! My granny and I were trying to figure out what in the word they were saying so I looked up the lyrics and the song then I became increasingly interested in what it could mean.

At first I thought they were saying "C Line Woman, C Line" and I didn't get it and then I heard something about "coffee" and all of this so I listened along with the lyrics only to think I was crazy for hearing such things but now I beg to differ and I am fascinated by this song now! So, I went to search this history of it and I came across this forum and now I see that I am not the only one with these ideas. Thank you SO SO SO much! This has bee QUITE helpful and I'm so excited now.