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Thread #133386   Message #3032430
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
15-Nov-10 - 04:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
Subject: RE: BS: Next Con-Dem game - Labour Camps?
Who knows? if you had understood the funny words, you might not type such twaddle.

Perhaps I didn't make it too clear. After all, so many misconceptions (starting with the emotive crap about labour camps, assassinating elected politicans blah blah...) I must admit, I did (for the first time here) get a bit disgruntled when some people thought it OK to say that paying what I owe in taxes isn't enough, and that not being on the scrapheap is something I should be ashamed of. I was told I was being dishonest by making sure I don't pay a penny more than I should. A number of times I pointed out that if anybody feels that to be the case, they can make voluntary Inland Revenue contributions, but I think I pay enough.

Hilarious to be told to pay more by those who claim to pay less. One of the problems with any society is the lust for greed, usually wrapped up in wanting a fairer society. Don't believe a word of it. The true colours of the would be dangerous (if they could get out of their armchairs) failed socialist weird beards are all on view for all to see on this thread and other contemporary ones, (usually started by Richard III.) Regular little Bonapartes...

Luckily, we live in a Western democracy, so the vast majority of decent thinking pragmatic people outnumber the silly little trots by a wide margin, so society can afford to marginalise you, ignore you and when it suits, point and laugh at you.

Why i am setting out to be so nasty to your point of view? Something about people here condoning violence, misrepresenting situations, black propaganda against an incompetent government, (you don't need to spout lies, they resemble a one legged man at an arse kicking contest without your ruddy help.)

The list goes on, but look at the average person, with his flat screen telly, PC, car that works and 2.3 kids. He isn't interested in your scare stories, even if they were factual he would say (and does say according to the polls) that something must be done because be buggered to funding an underclass with no sense of dignity of work. Something must be done to change the mindset..

Pity those with the chance of changing it are not capable, but we can't have it all ways, eh? The need for a look at society and all we get are ruddy Tories, ones that believe their own philosophy too, worse luck. I don't know what the answer is, but I bet it doesn't have a beard, and I bet it has to be elected too. Just like this lot were. (Oh, if you think they weren't then I cannot help with your failure to grasp the rules of Parliamentary democracy. Nobody has to like the outcome, but you place a bet on the understanding you might not back the winner.)