The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133583   Message #3032482
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
15-Nov-10 - 05:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
We're very happy here in The West Country, as we have water bills TWICE the price of the rest of the country..and now, to make us even happier, the Government and the Water Industry are looking at moves where they can actually cut water supplies OFF from people's houses, if they don't pay their bills, or...reduce their supply to a trickle.

This is because so many people in 'their' words *won't* pay their water bills...Indeed South West Water (spit!) had to take over 8,000 people to court last year..


In my words many people down here CANNOT AFFORD to pay their water bills..

Indeed, if Nanny wasn't living with me, thus enabling me to claim their Water Sure scheme, I'd be paying over £1,000 a year, purely for water...As it is, EVEN ON the Water Sure scheme I'm still paying exactly the same amount as my friend does, in a house twice the size of mine, in a rich area of the country, not far outside London, where jobs pay a great deal more and are easier to find..

Boy, we're so HAPPY down here we're dancin' in the streets! :0)