The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133583   Message #3032571
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
15-Nov-10 - 08:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
60Million people in the UK. Most wonder what the fuss is all about.

Apologies for smiling, but most days that's what I do. Ok, dealing in health and social care, you get a bit despondent at times. Oh, and like everybody else, I am sure I reckon I could run the country better than they do. But hey, we all delude ourselves.

Don't forget, when you are looking for a scapegoat for your own black dog, just remember, (if you are in The Uk, or any Western nation,) you DID win the lottery, in case you haven't noticed.

Oh, and I don't want Cameron to die. Unlike Predictable Dick, I embrace the opinions of others. Steamin' Willie will tell them they are absurd, (the real me has far too high empathy levels I have been told. I know, i blinked too, but there you go.)

Wow, no problem with Arthur itus starting this thread, because I too wonder if Cameron has fully grasped the issues we are looking to him to deliver on, but when I was on strike, I enjoyed taking my dog for a walk. When the bailiffs followed after we got back to work, I noted how nice a pint was when my brother took me out for the night. I even smiled rather than got angry when the S*n ran a story moaning that miners aren't having to pay their debts and none had been taken to court. this was a couple of weeks after I had moved into the rented home after mine was repossessed.

But you know something? I picked myself up, I didn't become a pessimist and I didn't look for scapegoats for my predicament.

Oh, and in case you forgot, days are reasonably happy for the vast majority of The UK. Things haven't altered one jot since either 2008 banking crisis or the election the other month.

Not one jot...

And the weird beards reckon there will be a revolution eh? Starting with middle class kids complaining about student loans. I reckon they have a point, but the government is still there, and will be till the next election. then the real people, the people who count, the vast majority, will judge them on their successes and failures.

Meanwhile, in a clapped out caravan with a dilapidated old Volvo parked next to it, Trotsky looks at the newspaper, ignoring the stock market prices and "Association" football news, to see if the Prime Minister has snuffed it yet.

I don't agree with Cameron on many things, in fact very few... But I agree that whinging and being despondent is self inflicted pain. Lighten up, comb your beard, get some socks that match the leather straps at least! and go and get a pint. then... try ruddy smiling.