The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133583   Message #3032665
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
15-Nov-10 - 10:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK

60 million people, (I repeat in case anybody missed it.)

Redundancies happen all the time. Stop putting your experience and heresay down to being an effect of the election.

Before the election, earlier this year, the commission I do some work for made 130m people redundant. A few redundancies are still on the books. Incidentally, I said that I do not want to be doing the job of a paid person, so I may be leaving myself yet.

Oh, getting richer? No, I am a net loser in the banks fiasco. Property is down in value, some of the tenants in my properties are building up uncomfortable arrears, my personal tax bill is higher due to government decisions to .. oh.. tax the rich.

but you know what? I don't give a shit. We are, as Uncle Dave says, in this together.

So forgive me when I laugh as people get all paranoid and claim just because I don't agree with their doom mongering, that I therefore am doing alright out of the political situation.

I'm not. but unlike some, I accept that we ALL have to tighten belts to get the country out of the mess it is in. We pay more in interest nationally than what is needed to fund the welfare bill.

Happy days? The Fonz would give his right arm to have the UK's safety net and opportunities to get on. Except even when a Minister tries to give people dignity back and end the cycle of welfare lifestyle, ruddy do gooders get hold of the wrong end of the stick and start waffling about forced labour camps. ZZZZZZZ It's just a pity that some of the roles will be in place of real jobs, ie the object of the exercise.

Oh, most "rich" people may or may not give a shit about others. You and I have no idea..

Marie Antoinette times? Sorry, the vast majority of the country are happy with their lot. revolutionary armchair bods can be ignored, marginalised and, what was the third thing I said in another thread? oh, yes, pointed at whilst laughing.

Sunday Monday, Happy Days, Tuesday Wednesday Happy Days....   I feel a song coming on. reckon I might sing it at my next club booking.