The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133583   Message #3032703
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
15-Nov-10 - 10:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK

60 million people, (I repeat in case anybody missed it.)

Redundancies happen all the time. Stop putting your experience and heresay down to being an effect of the election.

Before the election, earlier this year, the commission I do some work for made 130m people redundant. A few redundancies are still on the books. Incidentally, I said that I do not want to be doing the job of a paid person, so I may be leaving myself yet." <<<<<<<<

HOW you ever got to be in a position of power, I've no idea, if indeed you are, because of course, we get quite a few strange bods on here winding folks up.

Smug & Bastard are two words I'm particularly fond of at the moment, SW.

"Oh, getting richer? No, I am a net loser in the banks fiasco. Property is down in value, some of the tenants in my properties are building up uncomfortable arrears.."

Oh dearie, dearie, poor you. So you're one of the Smug Bastards who believes in buying up housing stock to rent out at VAST amounts, to line your own feathery nest, without a thought for the folks who give almost all their salary to you, eh?

Well, I'm the daughter of a man who had to rent his home all his life long, save for the end part of his days, when he came to live with me...Several times the private landlord, who bought up the private housing estate where I grew up, tried to get my Dad out, by highering his rent, but in those days, thank God, tenants were far more they failed.

Of course, it didn't stop Dad becoming sick with worry about things, but hey, no need for you to ever consider the emotional state of your tenants, or their lives...

You just keep raking the money in and keep your defunct conscience clear.

>>"my personal tax bill is higher due to government decisions to .. oh.. tax the rich."<<<

Oh dearie, dearie, DEARIE me! How my heart doth bleed for you....Never mind, you can always get your accountant to make it all re-appear at a later date in some tax fiddle or other, so don't despair too much...

>>"but you know what? I don't give a shit."<<

No comment...

>>>"We are, as Uncle Dave says, in this together."

No, the rich are a bit miffed. The poor are bloody shite scared out of their wits...There is a difference...and perhaps it would do you good to experience the latter once again...

>>>"So forgive me when I laugh as people get all paranoid and claim just because I don't agree with their doom mongering, that I therefore am doing alright out of the political situation."<<<<<

I don't forgive you. Your talking out of your well trousered arse, and you've totally forgotten your roots, the folks you grew up with, who you were and where you've come from.

Your 'tree' has grown from your roots, blossomed and bloomed, financially, but from a spiritual point of view, your leaves have become diseased and filled with a poison that sadly, will stunt your growth in the future...

But never mind, all the poor saplings you've planted in your houses will continue to struggle to give your the very best of their wages each week, just to keep a very expensive and highly overpriced roof over their poor sodding little heads...

Viva La Revolucion!