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Thread #133519   Message #3032768
Posted By: Little Hawk
15-Nov-10 - 12:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: WWRD What Would Republicans Do?
Subject: RE: BS: WWRD What Would Republicans Do?
In a fascist corporatocracy, a plutocracy, a militocracy bent on further conquest, a one-party system posing as a 2-party system, the only people left that offer any hope of positive change are the mavericks, the outsiders, not those insiders who work within the cronyism of the established system. Since the mass media are a creature OF the established system, however, it will be very difficult for any outsiders to get the kind of media coverage they need to reach enough people to make a difference. Remember, for instance, how Dennis Kucinich was kept out of some of the televised debates in the last election? He was quite embarrassing to the Democratic insiders, because he exposed their nakedness and dishonesty.

The other Republican candidates would laugh nervously when Ron Paul pointed out that the only reason Muslim fundamentalists want to attack America is because we are messing around IN their countries where we don't belong. That was embarrassing to the Republican insiders, so they just laughed...and the newsflunkies who were asking the questions made sure not to ask Ron Paul or Dennis Kucinich any question of any real substance whatsoever, but rather a question which would trivialize their candidacy in some way. They asked Dennis Kucinich about an incident where he'd seen a UFO, for God's sake! As if that has anything to do with anything in the election....! But they wanted to make him look like a nutjob, if at all possible.

That's a controlled media. Very well controlled. And it's controlled by the insiders. If you choose between mainstream Democrats or mainstream Republicans, you're just choosing more insiders. Period. Obama is an insider, albeit a very intelligent one, one who speaks brilliantly, and one who probably has some genuine ideals...but that won't change much, because he's on the inside, and he will do what he is told to do.

People who tacitly and naively submit to the blandishments of this ruling shadow government of corporates/banks/and military ARE the problem, indeed. As you say, akenaton. The politicians are merely the P.R. faces the shadow government trots out before the public, and the public is mostly fooled. The only exception to that is a maverick who doesn't spout the usual line....and doesn't get elected president, by the way. ;-) How could he or she be elected president? The funding and air time will not be made available to such people. They will be ridiculed and ignored.

Obama is no maverick. He's just a very articulate and likeable insider. He got funded to the max, because it was time for the $ySStem to change the drapes on the White House and rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic. If his credibility is shot by 2012, then they'll fund some other likely insider for people to vote for.

Maybe Hillary? Maybe someone else. Maybe even Jeb Bush! (ouch!) These plutocratic families, after all, see themselves as entitled to power, just like the Royal lines did back when everyone had kings and queens. The dynasties go on and on.