The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133583   Message #3032868
Posted By: MikeL2
15-Nov-10 - 02:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
< Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
From: Richie Black - PM
Date: 15 Nov 10 - 12:52 PM>
< "The results of a poll a majority of people support the spending cuts announced in the Comprehensive Spending Review.">

Polls can be made to provide a slanted view - depends where and how poll was conducted.

<" Some 41% of people think the coalition made the right decisions on where to make cuts, while 38% do not. One in five (21%) people say they do not know.">

This is not surprising. Most people ( including me )accept that the deficit is too high and must be reduced.

<"The poll also revealed public support for specific measures announced in the CSR. 61% supported reducing welfare spending and 60% backed increasing the state pension age.">

Again not surprising - it's in the word HOW that many would disagree.

<"However, 62% of the public opposed reducing spending on policing. Opinion was split on cutting the public sector workforce, with 45% of people in support and 47% against.">

Today Manchester City Police have announced that cuts of 40% YES 40% will have to be made to staffing levels in the next four years. They say that they are ALREADY undermanned and that front line policing is already being affected !!!

<"As we live in a democracy it is customary to accept the majority. Is anyone aware of any contradictory poll carried out on the general public ? ">

As I said above I don't attached too much significance to this poll. I would like to see a more general and wide-spread about a National Referendum....but we know how fond Mr Cameron is of these !!

