The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133583   Message #3033078
Posted By: GUEST,Alan Whittle
15-Nov-10 - 07:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
There is mistaken but current belief that David Cameron is a tosser and that you can tell it by the shape of his ears.

Only 32% of the population thinks this.

As for the much more bandied about perception that as an ex-member of the Bullingdon Club, he should kept in a zoo and would be under qualified to run a whelk stall, less than 27% of the population adhere to this view.

I think I have demonstated therefore that a bit of respect is called for, for this wonderful young man who has our overwhelming support.

Cameron's cool! Golly! Gosh!
Good old Dave! he's really posh!