The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133583   Message #3033284
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
16-Nov-10 - 05:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK

Apparently, I have forgotten my roots.

And that is the issue here. People being told they are above themselves, being held back, being told their type vote this, vote that, drink beer, not pretentious wine, don't forget your flat cap and greyhound....

Oscar Wild once said we are all in the gutter but some of us are looking up at the stars. Too bloody right.

Oh, and there is something somebody wrote above about Thatcher would disapprove of me. Bloody well hope so. A bottle of cheap plonk is in the fridge ready, (two actually, in case she and Scargill die on the same day. They both set out to fuck us over and by and large succeeded.) Not that I am complaining personally, it was the impetus to get out of the pit and plough my own farrow.

So why do people automatically think I support Cameron? After all, I have given my reasons for not supporting their policies in many threads. Interesting how Trotsky & co gloss over that.

It appears some here think I am a Tory because I reckon there have to be cuts? Err... add the labour front bench to that then. We all know Bliar was a Tory, but Steady Ed? My views seem to coincide with many of his, reading some of his speeches.

Akenaton wonders how I can put forward the idea that the country cannot carry on living outside its means and at the same time protect minority rights. I can. I do. Its easy, you just base your judgement on reality rather than Utopian ideas mingled with a chip on each shoulder. Oh, and I don't judge lifestyle either, which is, as far as I recall, the reason I fail to take Akenaton's views seriously.

Funny how you are allowed to push your point with personal sob stories but when you point out that you got off your arse and got on in life, the old knives are out. Methinks some find it hard to stomach that many who put something back into society have done alright for themselves. After all, I was appointed to chair public bodies due to a reputation for success, not because of some warped view of social justice. After all, despite the Harriet Harperson fluff and nonsense, the last Labour government, same as this government, same as the next government, all realise that when you are facing the issues, you need solutions, hence the weird beards are left out with the cat and those who have provided jobs and security for their employees are held in regard.

Anyway, I do have a beard (ish), I do own a greyhound and I do wear a flat cap. So, ignoring the plutocratic car (s) and aga, I can pretend not to have forgotten my roots so people will talk to me eh?

Oh, and owning properties is an excellent idea on so many levels. it is the best investment for your hard earned cash and at the same time helps provide homes for people who either can't or don't purchase their own.

In the 1960s, a load of people bought guitars and were going to change the world with them, mainly by sitting in upstairs room s of pubs with candles on the tables singing about farming in a different area of the country. They are still with us, bless them. Just that they are venting their spleen about social justice on Mudcat as well now. Keep learning the chords people, and one day you can send me to the guillotine for forgetting my roots...