The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133612   Message #3033521
Posted By: Big Mick
16-Nov-10 - 10:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: TSA groping your junk
Subject: RE: BS: TSA groping your junk
As I watch the darkness that seems to be sweeping the land of my birth, I despair more each day.

Folks, until I retired a few years ago, I was flying six legs a week. I often scanned the faces of those around me. There are families on these flights. Dads and Moms trying to get home. Folks conducting business. What is being done, is being done to keep folks safe. It isn't about your sexually repressed fear that someone is looking at your nakedness. These body scans are NOT the result of some imagined threat. Have you not been paying attention to what has been taking place around the world? The terrorist factions have been sending any number of test cases out to probe for weaknesses in the security. Do you want us to first lose several hundred men, women and children before we react? Then you would blame the government for not anticipating. Were you not paying attention to the shoe and underwear bombers? They made for funny comedy bits on late night telly, but the fact is that they were real attempts to see if that would work. Now the latest, with the bombs discovered in the air cargo jet, is that these same organizations are probing to see if cargo is the way to go. Do you not get that these jets are high value targets? The TSA is a convenient target. It's a government agency, so that means you can hurl gratuitous attacks at them, and everyone, on cue, goes "yeah, they can't do anything right".

The day after we lose a couple hundred folks in a bombing, I can't wait to hear you all chime in about how we should do more to protect our jets from terrorist attacks. The rules the TSA instituted are fair, and have been vetted. Napolitano says they are subject to reasonable changes, but the first priority is safe flight. Those of you that are so worked up that someone is a room is looking at you need to get over yourselves. Do you not understand that this isn't a bunch of beer drinking goons having a party looking at your genitals. Doing this stuff hours at a time for hundreds of folks will pretty much take any titillation out of it. They can't see your face, they aren't taping you for sex videos.

Get over yourselves.
