The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133583   Message #3033795
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
16-Nov-10 - 03:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
"...Also just heard that an ex work college has diabities & is on the sick - has problems with his feet & can not always drive- went to sign up for his benifits to be told because he had managed to drive that day he is to lose £60 leaving him with nothing to live on & was told to ask his family for help. Is he happy now?"

Yes, I can believe that. There was an old lady at the bus stop the other day who had terrible arthritis. You only had to look at her to see...

When she was called in to be 'judged' she too was having a 'better' day, and so passed the easy tests fairly easily. They stopped her benefits.

The day I met her she'd just finished a full day's work and everything was hurting her. It was cold, wet and rainy and her joints, all over, were causing her much distress.

Her husband was in the same boat. She said somedays he was so tired and in such pain when he got in from work that he just sat down and cried..

The Big Society?????????????


The Camerons and The Cleggs are going to end up being as hated as The Thatchers and The Blairs!

Yes, reign in those who absuing the system, but for God's sake don't abuse those who have no choice BUT to use the system, through no fault of their own....

I can only hope that those who are making these decisions one day end up with arthritis and diabetes....for only then will they come to understand how bloody heartless their decisions were...