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Thread #133639   Message #3034111
Posted By: Jim Carroll
17-Nov-10 - 03:42 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: songs that speak of horses or mules
Subject: Lyr Add: PADDY, THE COCKNEY AND THE ASS (P Molloy)
Two political songs, respectively from the late Tom Lenihan, and from Peggy McMahon, both from County Clare in the West of Ireland.
I was tempted to add Dobbin's Flowery Vale - but that would heve been silly.
Jim Carroll

(Pat Molloy)

l Pat Molloy was an Irish boy, he left the County Clare,
He said he'd go to London to see the sights were there.
He often heard that London was a very pretty place;
'And be damn!' says Pat, 'I'll go and see if that be the case.'
Raddley fal de diddle ido, right fol de dee.

2 When Paddy went to London he was taken by surprise,
The sights of that fair city fairly dazzled Paddy's eyes.
One day as he was going down the street meditating to himself
He met with a ragged Cockney and a donkey selling delph
Raddley fal de diddle ido, right fol de dee.

3 This damned old ragged Cockney would not let poor Paddy pass,
He said: 'Speak to your brother,' and he pointed to the ass.
'I thought, me man,' says Paddy, 'that I had no brother here,'
And turning 'round he whispered something in the ass's ear'
Raddley fal de diddle ido, right fol de dee.

4 As Pat was speaking to the ass, now boys, what did he do?
He slipped a pebble in his ear, he did bedamn, 'tis true!
The ass ran mad, upset the cart, broke all the earthenware
And this damned old ragged Cockney he ran crazy clear and clean.
Raddley fal de diddle ido, right fol de dee.

5 He called upon the peelers to take poor Pat in charge,
Saying: 'Seize this Irish vagabone, he should not be at large.'
'Begone, you English spailpin ,' says Paddy with a smile,
'You took me for an ass because I came from Erin's Isle.'
Raddley fal de diddle ido, right fol de dee.

6 'That's nonsense,' cried the magistrate, 'you know the ass went mad.'
'I do, indeed,' said Paddy, 'and I'm sorry too, bedad.'
'Be careful,' cried the magistrate, 'I want no nonsense here;
But come and tell me every word you whispered in his ear.'
Raddley fal de diddle ido, right fol de dee.

7 'Oh, that I'll do,' says Paddy, 'your request I'll not refuse.
You always heard that donkeys were very fond of news?
I thought I'd say a word or two, the donkey's heart to cheer
And now I'll tell you every word I whispered in his ear:
Raddley fal de diddle ido, right fol de dee.

8 'They say now, in Ireland, we have our wrongs redressed,
Our noble-hearted Irishmen no longer are oppressed.
We've got rid of all the landlords, Ireland to ourselves we have;
And when the donkey heard the news, by Heavens, he went mad!'
Raddley fal de diddle ido, right fol de dee.

9 The magistrate from laughing he had to creep his head
When he looked at poor old Paddy and thought of what he said.
And turning 'round to Paddy saying: 'A clever rogue you are,
And for your clever answers I'll dismiss you from the bar.'
Raddley fal de diddle ido, right fol de dee.


Good fellows all that's straight and tall,
Take counsel and be wise.      
Attention pay to what I say,
My lecture don't despise;
Let patience guide you on ev'ry side
Of traitors now beware
There's none but men would glory win
Can ride my old Grey Mare.

In Erin's Isle in ancient times,
She was rode by Brian Boru,
Phelim O'Neill, with sword of steel,
Owen Roe and Sarsfield, too,
Brave Michael Dwyer not long ago
Ranged Wicklow and Kildare
Tone, Tandy, Sheares, and other peers
Rode on my old grey mare.

Brave Bonaparte on her did start
He rode too fast, 'tis true.
And fell lame at Waterloo.
When she comes o'er to Erin's shore,
She'll have good farriers' care
At the very next 'chase she'll win the race,
My sporting old grey mare.

Here's to the man that's six foot one,
And more then if you choose,
That stands up straight without deceit,
In Spanish leather shoes.
Likewise the youth that tells the truth
That he may have Liberty fair
And to every man in Ireland
That rides my old grey mare.