The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133583   Message #3034179
Posted By: GUEST,Alan Whittle
17-Nov-10 - 06:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
Recovery from what and to what...

You insist that everybody hasn't noticed there is a problem. then in the next breath - you insist we need the wise leadership of a party who steal from us at every opportunity.

Sometimes the larceny was blatant, like the National Curriculum nonsense and the fund holding GP's scam.

as for Labour, nuff said really. Its very hard to avoid the conclusion that they lied to us about the weapons of mass destruction and the Iraq war.

Everybody on this page (Ake particularly) has had their head in their hands at my dumb acceptance of Labour's innate superiority - basically due to the fact that my wife is disabled and and you don't get much opportunity to get off your arse and be a full time eighties style entrepeneur when you're a full time carer. and Labour always take better care of the bottom end of society, wherein lies my place.

Reluctantly I am beginning to agree with him. This country will never realise its potential til we extract some of the wealth that sits in the pockets of .01% of the population and spread it around a bit.