The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133583   Message #3034204
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
17-Nov-10 - 07:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
I have always said that in the final analysis, Labour have, by dogma if nothing else, more to offer what you are calling the bottom end of society.

You say that this party steal from us at every opportunity. Which party? We haven't ever had this party before, (apart from during the war, and that included Labour too.) They are no better and no worse than the last Labour government. If you go through life thinking that one party is the saviour of the people and the other out to destroy everybody, you must be getting used to disillusionment.

Just out of interest, I know a hell of a lot about GP fundholding, having been Chair of a Community Health Council during it, and subsequently chairing a Primary Care Trust. The interesting thing is that in the last year of the last Tory government, they piloted what they called total purchasing bodies. When Labour came into power, they picked up the mantle and developed the Tory idea, and called them Primary Care Trusts.

So, choosing a party on their general persuasion is not as easy as it sounds. On a good day, I would say that we have attempt at pragmatic government rather than dogma constrained government. On a bad day, I would say that democracy is supposed to be about choice but what ruddy choice?

I still maintain, and always will, that you only live once and to try and enjoy as much of it as you can. Hence anything to get people out of their black dog situation is alright by me.

Of course, for being optimistic, there are those who dismiss me. Don't give a chuff about them, that's the thing. I don't think this government will ruin everything, chiefly because like most governments, they won't carry out their full agenda. Governments never do.

Happy Wednesday!