The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133583   Message #3034377
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
17-Nov-10 - 11:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Days Are Here Again - Cameron UK
Good, I am glad I have.

You see, unlike many on this thread, I don't have confidence in the government to deliver all their agenda.

Government only affects the headline stuff. Those running the country will do what they always do, albeit with some of a government's input. T'was ever thus.

If this government was to ruin everything, that means things getting worse. Say that to the hundreds of thousands of pensioners who don't have a "full stamp" who will get full payment without complicated needs assessments. Tell that to those who get fazed by the myriad form filling who will get a simplified system of benefits. Tell that to the vast majority who see the curb on bankers' bonuses and new taxes on bank profits as a government starting to do what all the parties promised.

Like I said, my main concern is the overall strategy cannot be delivered. Not because a few weird beards are paranoid about their intentions, but because the private sector is not in a position to deliver its part of the equation.

They will not ruin everything, because a) some, not all of their policies are welcomed by many, including many organisations claiming to represent the more vulnerable in society, (I know, it hurts some to hear that, but I can only relate what they say..) and b) some of the pieces cannot fall into place for them, no matter how much they wish them to.

So instead of scaremongering about what might happen, perhaps its about some of the grey cells in this and other threads put a bit of thought into the prevailing situation which is, for many people, not nice. The last thing they need is idiots telling them it can only get worse. If it does, it won't be down to the collected wit and predictions of many of the posters here....

I don't agree with how they are going about things either, but at least I reckon they are identifying what needs to be done, even if their solutions are cockeyed.