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Thread #133519   Message #3035382
Posted By: GUEST,TIA
18-Nov-10 - 03:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: WWRD What Would Republicans Do?
Subject: RE: BS: WWRD What Would Republicans Do?
It is easy and popular to say as LH does that "The Right and the Left both do this kind of exaggerated and totally false propaganda. They do it whenever and wherever they see a chance to do it and hurt their political foes."

But it is simply not true. In the words of Charles Kaiser:

"It is really nothing less than obscene to equate serious people like Maddow and Olbermann with dangerous clowns like Hannity and Beck.   The MSNBC anchors are, indeed, relentlessly liberal. But they are also extremely intelligent, careful with the facts, and genuinely interested in the truth.

    Hannity and Beck are none of those things. As Dana Milbank pointed out recently, during the short time Barack Obama has been president, Beck has managed "202 mentions of Nazis or Nazism, 147 mentions of Hitler, 193 mentions of fascism or fascist, and another 24 bonus mentions of Joseph Goebbels"–and most of these were directed in some form at Obama."

full text

They are not mirror images with the same MO. Definitely at opposite poles of the political spectrum, but the respect for truth and logic are just not there on the 24-7 hysterical right.

If you do not agree, please find me an example of a completely bogus, widely reported story that makes wildly false (and provably so...I am talking about facts, not opinions) accusations about a prominent conservative political figure (e.g. Sarah Palin).