The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133612   Message #3036144
Posted By: Donuel
19-Nov-10 - 02:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: TSA groping your junk
Subject: RE: BS: TSA groping your junk
Explosives that are spun into micro fibers that resemple human hair that can be easily afixed to skin or scalp are causing a stir among TSA officials.
Some believe TSA must be proactive and enforce Security precaution 42A now, while others feel that an attempted use of such weapons should be demonstrated to be an actual threat first.

Security precaution 42A will require the shaving of all facial cranial, armpit and pubic hair prior to taking the flight and may incur an additional $50 fee for highly trained TSA experts to shave passengers at the terminal.

The TSA Czar assures the public that all procedures will be done by same sex TSA employees who have undergone an extensive 4 hour seminar on shaving techiniques and waxing. He does caution however that buying a ticket will abbrogate certain rights including having to accept the use of used razors and incidental cuts, infections and/or discomfort.

Should anything surprise you anymore?