The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25711   Message #303668
Posted By: Oversoul
23-Sep-00 - 12:38 AM
Thread Name: Thought for the day - September 23, 2000
Subject: RE: Thought for the day - September 23, 2000
I am surrounded by a sea of asphalt and cement. But I have made a sanctuary of sumac in my little yard. Fernleaf, staghorn and a variety unknown (to me) from southern Indiana. Several kinds of birds are feasting on the cone-shaped crimson berries. I tread off to the woods far away to hunt squirrels and buy winter squash from a nearly blind lady who has a stand in her yard in Stillwell, on my way home. Her old dog is blind in one eye, and is always anxious to smell the woods, at my ankles. The scent of squirrel causes the tail to wag! The fact that I have glaucoma completes the picture! I love fall!