The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25711   Message #303747
Posted By: RichM
23-Sep-00 - 06:41 AM
Thread Name: Thought for the day - September 23, 2000
Subject: RE: Thought for the day - September 23, 2000
In Ottawa: Eastern Ontario/Southern Quebec, it's still very green; but some trees are beginning to put on their autumn colors -not many, but some. The days are sunny, and warm, from late morning on. At night, and at dawn its cold enough to leave a heavy cool dew, and occasionally nip the late tomatoes.

The late summer flowers are still in glorious bloom. This is the prime season for my sunflowers and Jerusalem artichokes, on their long spindly stalks.

Rain is promised today, and we are playing at a small town agricultural fair. They did say, however, that the outdoor performance area has a covered stage, and some shelter for the audience.

It's my favorite time of year, tinged with a bit of trepidation. There is more than a hint of the approach of the long winter season. But before that, we will be treated to the glorious reds, yellows and browns of the fall foliage.
It's a good time to be here. May your own seasons give you all comfort and pleasure that the Earth is a good place to be.

Rich McCarthy