The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25722   Message #303838
Posted By: Mooh
23-Sep-00 - 12:13 PM
Thread Name: Guitars in art
Subject: Guitars in art
Thanks in advance for your input.

In searching for art (sketches, paintings, murals, photography, sculpture...) of guitars I have found some great stuff, but there doesn't seem to be much variety. I suspect I'm not looking far enough, but I'm wondering if anyone in Mudcatville knows of guitar pictures worthy of display. I'd like to spice up my little music room.

There's lots of great album cover art depicting guitars, but I'm thinking more of large prints and posters suitable for framing. There are many guitars themselves which are art in and of themselves (IMHO) and I've got pictures of many, and I not so secretly would love to own some too.

I am also considering asking an artist friend to (for her price) create something for me, though it's likely a bit beyond my means at present.

I'm not bigoted any particular way about style (I think), I'm just trying to improve my environment. Some of my guitar students already respond to guitar pictures, them being as obsessive as any other enthusiast.

Guitars in art, suggestions anyone? Thanks.

Peace, Mooh.