The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133785   Message #3038388
Posted By: Genie
22-Nov-10 - 10:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bristol Palin Worlds Best Dancer???
Subject: RE: BS: Bristol Palin Worlds Best Dancer???
Oh, and saying that Bristol Palin is in no way a "star" or a good dancer is not subjecting her to hatred.    She's a quasi- household name because her Mom has acquired a high political profile and is what many would call a "media whore." (Does Mama Palin seek the media spotlight because she wants glory, political influence, or money? Or all of the above?) Bristol has also been in the media spotlight more than the other Palin kids because of being an unwed teen mom.   None of that makes her, to my way of thinking, either a "star" or a "celebrity."

But I think most people who are outraged or just annoyed at Bristol's "beating out" several much better dancers on DWTS feel that way just because, even though she has improved since the beginning of the season, she just plain does not have what it takes to be a good dancer.   She lacks energy, fluidity, intensity, style connection to the music, etc., even when she manages to get all the steps down.    I can't think of anyone who's made the finals on that show who was as clunky and robotic and un-entertaining as Bristol is.