The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133741   Message #3039044
Posted By: bradfordian
23-Nov-10 - 06:53 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat CD: New 'Blue Plate Specials' Series 2
Subject: RE: Tech: New BLUE PLATE SPECIALs Series 2
Now here's a challenge.
You remember the multiple artists recording of PERFECT DAY????? And Maxie's Mudcat Blues (on Orchid)?

Well how about some of you folks getting together and doing a Mudcat collaboration for the CD?

It could be as simple as a number of people singing one line of a trad song! Then if we could also have a different one for each of the CDs!!!
I'm sure this could be done with the technology we have around us.

C'mon, y'know ya want to! you an' a few buddies.
