The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120208   Message #3039130
Posted By: Bobert
23-Nov-10 - 09:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
Subject: RE: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
No, Saws, you aren't... What you are doing is:

1. Cyber-stalking me...

2. Calling me a racist and/or bigot after I have

a. asked you to stop it

b. told you to stop it

3. Refusing to learn anything about the history of racism in America by:

a. continuing to make statements that show your complete and total
ignorance on not only American history but the struggles of black

b.refusing, when I have suggested that you go talk with a professor of race studies so that you might become less ignorant

4. Showing me and my family disrespect for our involvement in the Civil Rights movement by:

a. refusing to take the time to understand that what I tell you about the use of words and history of the Civil Rights movement comes from my "experiences" in the: 1.) the civil rights movement and 2) by history living a good portion of my life purdy much exclusively with black people...

5. Thinking that you can bully me and marginalize my knowledge of things you don't/won't understand by:

a. Calling me a bigot because you want to score points rather than actually learn something

b. Calling me a racist because you think that by doing so it will validate your ignorance in the eyes of this community...

Summation: You are ignorant about American history... You are ignorant of the Civil Rights movement... You are ignorant about my history or who I am... You are ignorant to the fact that there are millions of people who absolutely get what I am talking about here...

But, other than callin' me a racist or bigot, the worst part about your ignorance is that you seem very *****proud**** to be ignorant...

I don't give a rat's ass if you stay the most ignorant person on the planet, Sawz... Just don't involve me in your little ignorance ballgames 'cause, like I told you, this is one area that I will not allow you to use this forum to call me these disgraceful names...

Like I have said before, there are lots of other labels/names that I can live with, i.e, asshole, dumbass, shitface, motherfucker, jerkmo, stupmo, shithead, asswipe, ect... They are all fine...

Bigot, racism or any other label that you try to stick on me because you refuse to deal with your ignorance while belittling the things I have done in my life is going to inspire me to deviate from Dr. King's teachings...

BTW, if you really want to understand the Civil Rights movement, buy and read, "At The Dark End of the Street" by Danielle L. McGuire just for starters... By the time you get to the end of that book you'll have just a clue, just a glimpse, of what I have been talking about...

Now, until you either make some changes to become less ignorant of Civil Rights, of language as it relates to race and of your own little needs to attack/stalk me then I'd suggest that you go back to arguing with me about other stuff... There's no shortgae of it that won't force me to deal with you on a different level...

You know my position... That won't change...

