The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133798   Message #3039681
Posted By: Haruo
24-Nov-10 - 01:57 PM
Thread Name: The Cheyenne Amazing Grace
Subject: RE: The Cheyenne Amazing Grace
Well, I got a positive review from David Flick, pastor of Watonga Indian Baptist Church in Oklahoma; he wrote (in a thread at

Great job of singing "Jesus Netavovehone." Every word was easily recognizable. You sang with sort of a "Seattleite brogue," but otherwise, well done. When you pass by this way (through Oklahoma) sometime, you can join us as we sing it in our services. We sing that one and "Esenehane Jesus" almost every Sunday. We've taught our children to sing "Jesus Namehota" (#83 in the hymnal). They love it.
In a private message he indicated that my "brogue" consisted mainly of vibrato, which the native singers don't use.
