The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133850   Message #3040799
Posted By: MGM·Lion
26-Nov-10 - 09:22 AM
Thread Name: Englands other Hero, Lord Cochrane
Subject: RE: Englands other Hero, Lord Cochrane
Nor, to be really pedantic, was he ever "Lord Thomas Cochrane", as in OP ~~ for that he would have had to be a younger son of a Duke or Marquis, which he wasn't. But one can induce a sort of trancelike state if one contemplates for too long the intricacies of the correct titles of various members of the British aristocracy, and their various offspring {2nd titles as courtesy titles, Lord ... ..., Lady ... ..., Honourables, &c}!

Drifting slightly, I have always thought it a terrible injustice that all the daughters of an Earl bear the style Lady Forename Surname [e.g. Lady Mary Smith]; but, while his eldest son bears his father's 2nd title by courtesy {like Lord Cochrane}, his younger sons are only Honourables. I have often thought that, if I were an Earl's younger son, I should hate my sisters!
