The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132588   Message #3041213
Posted By: Bobert
26-Nov-10 - 10:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tea Party = Flawed Economic Model
Subject: RE: BS: Tea Party = Flawed Economic Model
Yeah, Sawz... You are confused as to which government is the "mean 'ol government" and which one ain't...

The laissez faire, "free market", Voodoo economics of Ronnie Reagan thought that free market was allowing other nations to mess you up but you didn't fight back or defend yourself...

That is the "mean 'ol gov'mint" I'm talkin' about... It's the fantasy government that Tea Party Nation has dancing in its head that just needs to "get off out backs", "we want our country back", etc... I mean, the crybabies complain that the gov is too intrusive and shouldn't be doing this or that but reality is that had the go0vernment been the "mean 'ol gov'mint" that the crybaby Reganites were so against it might have pro-acted and protected our steel industry, much the wasy it protect agribusiness today...

See, Sawz... That is the probem... It isn't government that is bad is "bad" government that is bad... The entire idea of a government is to protect it's people and provide a safe atmosphere for them to live and make a living... When government doesn't take defensive steps to protect it's resources (i.e., the steel industry) when another nation attempts what is in essence a hostile takeover, then that government deserves to take the blame later on down the road when folks need that resource back...

So we had a mini-Pearl Harbor on Youngstown, Ohio and mill cities throughout the Mid Atlantic and Mid Western states While Ronnie Reagan, defender of (drum roll please) "free markets" sat on his thumbs thinkin' just how cool it was...

Yeah, "bad mean ol' gov-mint" is when it refuses to step the plate, take on the lobbiests and act to "protect its people and provide a safe environment for them to live and make a living"...

In other words:

What the Tea Party thinks about "gov-mint" is flawed... "Gov-mint" is always going to the enemy in their eyes (even more so if a Dem is in the White House)... So if another country wants to pull another industry theft and the "mean 'om gov'mint" steps in and stops it then the Tea Partiers are just fine with it, right???

"Free market" means "free market", right???

Like I said, "Ya'll Tea Party folks got some serious limitation on understanding how the real world works... I'd suggest, ahhhhhh, maybe a couple college courses Economics... Hey, it ain't all the tough...

Well, it shouldn't be tough but seems that about 40% of the American people are not quite up to learning it???

(There you go again with that elitists stuff, Boberdz...)

So I have...
