The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132588   Message #3041367
Posted By: Bobert
27-Nov-10 - 08:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Tea Party = Flawed Economic Model
Subject: RE: BS: Tea Party = Flawed Economic Model
Quite right, E-Jay... And is a good follow-up on the points I was making about "mean 'ol gov-mint" interventions... Reality is that, like it or not, we are part of a global economy where the other players are perfectly willing to follow a more Keynesian model...

If we want another fleecing by countries taking aim at our various sectors of industry, like the steel industry heist, then we can do as Ronnie Reagan and both Pauls want and do nothin'... More recently we say our textile industry heisted and sat back and did nothin'...

Maybe this is the kind of America that Sawz wants but, IMO, it is irresponsible...

If ya'll want to to blam,e the high unemployment rates ya'll don't have to look too far to see how this has happened... We've had 30 years of "less mean ol' gov-mint" and look where it has gotten US??? 1st to 21st in math and science scores... 27th in life expectancy... This is what happens when you let the the fox not only gurad but live in the hen house...

Like I said at the very beginning of this thread: Tea Party = Flawed Economic Model"...
