The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132588   Message #3041389
Posted By: Bobert
27-Nov-10 - 10:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Tea Party = Flawed Economic Model
Subject: RE: BS: Tea Party = Flawed Economic Model
BTW, I find it very interesting how much effort the righties and the Re3pubs have made to revise the reality that TARP, a very Keynesian act on the "mean 'ol gov-mint's" part, was pushed by both so-called "free marketers" George4 Bush and his sidekick, Dick Cheney... Might of fact, the righties have also tried very hard to stick the "socialist" label on Obama for the "auto bailout" in spite of the fact that Bush and Cheney also pushed for for it to occur by allowing a portion of the TARP money to be used for the auto "bailout"...

But I do have to hand it to the rightie/corporatists in that their control of the media has done a superb hatchet job on Obma for things that the rightie/corportists had their boys push thru before Obama was even president... Magnificent piece of mythology...

But reality is that, though the rightie/corporatists won't ever admit it they understand that when the chips are down that Keynesian economics will always gert them out of the jams that the "free marketers" get US into...

I guess that is the silver lining??? Of course, the Tea Party folks ain't smart enough to understand that...
