The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133850   Message #3041800
Posted By: MGM·Lion
28-Nov-10 - 01:05 AM
Thread Name: Englands other Hero, Lord Cochrane
Subject: RE: Englands other Hero, Lord Cochrane
Les ~~ but a Surgeon [Warrant Officer] would not have worn an officer's cocked hat, would he: even if by courtesy admitted to the Ward Room? How about a Commander [quite high rank, equiv to army Lt-Colonel IIRC] who happened to be medically qualified? Pete never told me his ancestor's name, but had the hat distinctly labelled with the name "Surgeon-Commander Bellamy". AFAIK did not consider writing a song about his hat. Where did you find the muster-roll of Nelson's fleet: many congratulations on your research. On which ships did George Bellamy serve, do you know?

Whence, too, comes the Scott quote? & was he, as it appears from it, married to a Miss Cochrane who was related to the admiral?
