The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133905   Message #3042784
Posted By: Matthew Edwards
29-Nov-10 - 11:02 AM
Thread Name: Sheffield Carols
Subject: RE: Sheffield Carols
Greg, are there any dates/venues for the Penkhull carol sings? Or can you only reveal that on a forum for 'real people'? :-)

Cats, people like you and Brian from Odcombe, who have kept carols alive in your own villages will always find a welcome at the Royal; the only case I heard of anyone being made unwelcome was a BBC camera crew in 1996 who tried to get the singers to repeat carols for 'second takes', and they were rightly thrown out for interfering! As long as visitors, whether folkies or real people, respect the singers and the carols they will find the Royal a wonderful and friendly place.
