The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133882   Message #3043089
Posted By: gnu
29-Nov-10 - 05:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tronna sucks.
Subject: RE: BS: Tronna sucks.
That was gonna be a toll highway too, beer. Owned by the Queen of Spain. But that got trashed by New Brunswickers. We also trashed the sale of NB Power to you SOB's in Quu-bec by the last bunch a crooks in power. Now, the new crooks in power are talking about privatizing the provincial liquor stores... they won't have to be voted out of office... the stunned fuckers will be lynched before the next election!

Sorry for the thread drift, as you said. But, Jaysus man! Sellin off the liqour stores? Stunned as me arse!