The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33719   Message #3043251
Posted By: GUEST,Guest-Kasia
29-Nov-10 - 09:45 PM
Thread Name: Help: ship sisters?sealion woman?
Subject: RE: Help: ship sisters?sealion woman?
Hearing "Sealion" all these years, I thought that I was probably wrong (like when I used to hear "hold me closer Tony Danza" instead of "tiny dancer"- Elton John, ha ha ha). One day I thought maybe they were singing "Ceylon woman, she drink tea"... since Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) has much tea. Anyway, that is probably incorrect, but I love learning about the different theories people have come up with.

I like the idea of a coded message for runaway slaves. I mean, it would be the perfect way to disseminate a subversive message.

Anyway, the other theories are good too. Perhaps more likely, even if less exciting.

Thanks for the food for thought everyone!