The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133907   Message #3043408
Posted By: Donuel
30-Nov-10 - 05:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who has all The Money?
Subject: RE: BS: Who has all The Money?
The US has 305,568 multi millionaires and about 25 multi billionares.
The multibillionaires are the part owners of virtually everything in the USA. They own or share ownership of all the biggest banks, but you will not see their family name on any sheet of paper except for those hidden in vaults. The CEO's and hedge fund managers are merely the front men for the true wealth behind the scenes.

They have their clubs and sometimes meet or have their people meet at Bilderburg conferences and such. The arrogance of their idiotic schemes could even surprise LH.

btw hawk, even the monetary value of gold or platinum is a psychological consruct that is only as real as the minds of people make it.

The life sustaining monetary value of food, air and water derived from land and climate are actually more real than gold.

The myth of the value of gold and diamonds makes people feel better. In that way it is similar to the form and function of religion.