The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133982   Message #3044559
Posted By: Donuel
01-Dec-10 - 08:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
The new world order of Globalism and the global economy has rewarded the Chinese workers for working for much less pay. If America did the same and banned all unions we too would become more competative ... and maximize profits for everyone.

Speaking of profits, all capital gains taxes should also be repealed for workers who make over 6 million a year. Global free market capitalism is as American as Apple pie.   Lower wages strengthens the family. The family is closer and under the same roof in China where it takes 5 or 6 people to earn enough for rent and food. The family is much closer, sometimes in as little as 2 rooms.

Unemploment insurance is Unamerican. It borders on Communism. Again we should take a page from the Chinese economy if we really want a vibrant Patriotic god fearing American economy.

Just because people paid for the unemployment insurance does not entitle them to collect it. People spend money on all sorts of things they don't collect, like pensions. It is a lazy slob's own fault for losing their job in the first place.

Unemploment insurance just subsidizes losers to reproduce and make baby losers. They are a milestone around the neck of Social Darwinism. The people being cut off are the ones who are already on special extensions over 99 days. The sooner all unemplyment insurance is stopped the better. It is a paper work burdon for employers and a disincentive for fat lazy drug using criminals who are a pathetic embarrasment for America. As soon as these indolent slugs get ther free check they go out and spend it on things like beer. In contrast, the wealthy use their money to buy something of real value.

If the unemployed really want a job they should tell their Congressmen and Senators to stop taxing billionires who provide all the jobs. If a patriotic billionaire discovers that it is not worth his while to invest in America, why should he?

We used to tax the wealthy at 50 to 90%. But today rolling taxes from 35% down to 29% is not enough. They must be tax free. Maybe then these billionaires will see fit to bring jobs back to this country from Malaysia, Singapore, China, Mexico, Vanatu, Brazil, India, Russia and Nigeria. Of course their business must also be exempt from local&state taxes and zoning codes while providing free infrastructure of roads, power, water etc. to any of their factories.
It might also be a good idea to remove all liability laws so that freeloaders won't be able to bring needless lawsuits against corporations.

Sadly it was discovered that some corporations are actually still paying taxes. Exon, GE and others paid 0% taxes last year but the army of lawyers and accountants is becoming an expensive burden. Simplyfy the system and make it 0% across the board for trans national corporations would save us billions.

Its a no brainer - 1 Stop unemployment insureance because it will incentivize workers to get a job.

2 Remove all the taxes from the rich and thereby incentivize all the hard working wealthy patriotic billionaire Americans to bring jobs back to this country.