The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133420   Message #3046045
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
04-Dec-10 - 03:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Studying in Guam
Subject: RE: BS: Studying in Guam
You actually bought that pantie waste explanation??? Even before you get to the 'tipping over' part, listen to him describe the size of the island..even that is screwed up. Nope, I don't buy the 'damage control' explanation...and if it was merely a 'joke' how did you like his delivery? Personally, I think this stuff is par for the course..and BTW, there are plenty more of these 'distinguished morons' spouting their nonsense! The Pelosi moronic clips fill several pages on 'youtube'!..even Hank 'you can call me Tip' Johnson has a few more. This guy has the space case rap of someone who just got up from being in coma...No, I take that back..He still is in a coma!

Look, sometimes I like an elected guy, but NOT solely on the merits of what party he is affiliated with. An articulate statesman can be respected, even if his views differ from those that I may personally agree with. Some actually make me seriously consider their point of view, because they seem to have a great rap, which contains a little truth, instead of the policies of the party line.....but most of them might as well being promoting the thirst quenching wonders of bottled hot dog water!

And BTW, the view I just expressed is consistent with the majority of the American public! It's the steadfast, bickering within themselves Democrats who are in an increasing minority!

They fucked up!..just about EVERYTHING they promote!