The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134000   Message #3046926
Posted By: Arthur_itus
05-Dec-10 - 12:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: England World Cup 2018 bid
Subject: RE: BS: England World Cup 2018 bid
Blimey after all those slimey FIFA delegates vote against England having the World Cup, Boris Johnson has withdrawn the offer of a free stay in London's exclusive Dorchester hotel for Fifa executives during the 2012 Olympics.

Fuck me, don't those bastards earn enough money themselves to pay for their own hotels.

What is wrong with our country. We are massively in debt and it's citizens are paying the cost and people like Blatter are offered free accomodation.

I think the government should ban all freebies for 2012 and make anybody that want's to attend pay.

grump grump grump.

Blatter is a twatter