The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133970   Message #3047559
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
06-Dec-10 - 01:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dec-2010 Declutter & Accountability YES!
Subject: RE: BS: Dec-2010 Declutter & Accountability YES!
I walked out to the curb for the trash can and paused to admire the yard. It looks relaxed after a busy growing season, and there is still some color spots that didn't freeze yet. Mulching the leaves allowed the rest of it to become visible. By putting lights in that pine I've set up a pretty night-time display, but they're barely noticeable during the day.

I've been cleaning the office this morning, the desk where my laptop sits. I have to start it up and map some drives, then do the same on my older computer that has some security software installed now. This essentially the final step in the new computer process. I backed up the old one to an external drive, and those contents have been transferred to the new drive, but there are still things in the old computer that I need reference to. And the laptop is my ultimate work backup, but since it was re-imaged last week, there will still be tweaking. This is the last (hopefully) of the juggling to get all three in sync with my work.

When my friend was over on Saturday we poked around looking to see what kinds of bowls, platters, etc, could be propped up with these great sturdy stands I found. I know the holidays will look different just because of the position of pieces around the house. Bringing in some evergreen is a great idea, to add the holiday flavor to something that could simply be a case of rearranged crystal and porcelain.