The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134045   Message #3047570
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
06-Dec-10 - 01:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Vince Cable - Vicar of Bray?
Subject: RE: BS: Vince Cable - Vicar of Bray?
"Why this assumption that when anyone says something rude about one lot of bastards must be assumed to fail to recognise the other lots of bastards are bastards as well?"

Because I'm frustrated by the fact that no-one seems to be able to bring themselves to attack that 'sacred cow', the Labour Party. It was them that left us in the clutches of Cameron - not, I believe, primarily as a result of mismanagement or over-spending (although plenty of that did go on) but because they were 'extremely relaxed' about the outrageous behaviour of the banks and Big Business.

The two big enemies of the ordinary people of this country are the Tories and Labour - both of which are run by stary-eyed, foaming-at-the-mouth ideologues (in Labour's case they pretend to be all leftist and progressive but, in reality, are just as obsessed by the Free Market as the Tories). But everyone is busily attacking the Lib Dems - I genuinely don't understand it! If the Lib Dems are brought down no-one in this country will benefit except the Tories and Labour - and most probably the former.