The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133970   Message #3047884
Posted By: katlaughing
06-Dec-10 - 11:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dec-2010 Declutter & Accountability YES!
Subject: RE: BS: Dec-2010 Declutter & Accountability YES!
Rog can now drive, by taking off the boot, putting on his shoe, then reversing the process when he gets to where he's going! Still not supposed to put weight on it for another 3-4 weeks. The doc looked at me and said, "Am I wasting my breath?" Pretty much...Rog is not a macho guy, but he's fed up and ready to be walking, with the boot, but still walking and he's not supposed to...he's like a little kid! We had a talk, tonight, so maybe that'll help.

I shall be catching up on a lot of bills which piled up as we waited for Workers Comp to come through, which they've done. I'll do that tomorrow morning and hope to have Morgan after school. We haven't seen each other since Friday!**bg**

Laundry, oh yes, and Rog did the dishes this weekend. Not much else. I am still feeling better, but not quite up to snuff, just yet.

SRS, your glass decorations sounds really pretty. We have done nothing but agree some of the money we got will go to buy a live tree which we can then plant next Spring. We used to do that on the ranch in WY when we were first married and every year the horse would get in the yard and destroy them. No horse here and the fence should keep the neighbour's goat away, plus she loves our banana peels, etc. so we keep her well supplied.