The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134128   Message #3048623
Posted By: Will Fly
08-Dec-10 - 05:30 AM
Thread Name: English tunes session - good news
Subject: RE: English tunes session - good news
Where tunes sessions are held in a public bar and the general public are present, some of it is bound to rub off - even on people who would profess to know nothing about, or have no interest in, traditional tunes. As you've proved.

The locals who attend my monthly session - listening, non-folkies on the whole - always give an extra special round of applause when we bring off a good jig or reel or hornpipe. And my session's an open one - we have blues and jazz and ragtime as well as traditional stuff. Mind you - we also get some good local musicians in as well.

There's no accounting for music - it gets in where no-one expects it to. Anyway - more strength to the John Harvey session!