The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134128   Message #3048721
Posted By: Anne Neilson
08-Dec-10 - 08:07 AM
Thread Name: English tunes session - good news
Subject: RE: English tunes session - good news
What a lovely feeling that must have been -- and how rewarding!

I remember the passion with which my English teacher, the late Norman Buchan MP, described the moment of his almost-Pauline conversion to traditional music. He was involved with an alternative to the Edinburgh Festival -- the People's Festival -- in 1951, and his main input was political and polemical; but Hamish Henderson had organised a ceilidh. With no notion of what to expect Norman went along, and was totally bowled over! The absolute clincher was the performance by Jessie Murray (a Banffshire fishwife) of what Norman described as "that most fragile of tunes, 'Skippin' Barfit through the Heather' ".
And decades later his eyes still shone when he remembered it.

Let's hope that you've managed such a conversion!