The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134121   Message #3050281
Posted By: GUEST,Patsy
10-Dec-10 - 08:28 AM
Thread Name: Ignorant old people
Subject: RE: Ignorant old people
The funny thing back when I was a teenager on a holiday on the Isle of Wight most of the other kids were from London and quite a few from the North of England and while we were sat in the usual hippy circle I was encouraged to 'say something' just like a show and tell because they thought I sounded American. It wasn't in an ignorant nasty way but I presume some of them hadn't been through Bristol but I did feel on display. I think they were disappointed that I wasn't.

In later years I have been accused of being a 'carrot cruncher' or having a straw in my mouth so I can understand how horrible it can be to be treated this way.

Sometimes families can be like that about other families too if they are thought to have a bad reputation.

Perhaps we could start another thread about New Year Resolutions for the good.