The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133970   Message #3050301
Posted By: Catherine Jayne
10-Dec-10 - 08:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dec-2010 Declutter & Accountability YES!
Subject: RE: BS: Dec-2010 Declutter & Accountability YES!
Been a bit busy working lots of overtime recently so not been on the internet much. Lost another half sotne which is great, had another hair cut so hair is alot shorter than before. I've taken 3 days holiday from work and sping (winter) cleaned the house, decorated it with seasonal dedcorations with the kids, decorated 1 of the 4 xmas cakes. Bedroom to be wallpapered although this job keeps being put on the back burner due to not having enough time. Still keeping up with my exercise class, combat last night and RPM on Sunday morning. Paul is working out with me too at home with the weights. I'm loving my new shape, and loving Paul's new shape too as he's toning up now.

Went to Harry's first school christmas carol concert on Tuesday, it was wonderful! The school has a very good hearing impaired unit and to integrate the children with hearing difficulties all the children in the school learn to sign. I didn't know Harry was learning to sign in the nursery and to see 30, 3-4 year olds singing and sigining at the same time was wonderful.

Paul has been busy making a request from the lovely LTS and I'm about to put the wording on it tomorrow. Paul and I baked profiteroles this morning for a dinner party we are having tonight. best get the rest of the meal prepared!