The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133892   Message #3050652
Posted By: George Papavgeris
10-Dec-10 - 06:37 PM
Thread Name: Awful schmaltz from Annie Lennox (Christmas)
Subject: RE: Awful schmaltz from Annie Lennox (Christmas)
Well, I'll just have to differ - I liked her on Andrew Marr's show and looking at the tracklist there are many carols I love. I like people experimenting and breaking away from "established norms" and I thought it would make a nice change from the Westminster Choir's album of the same carols that I have - those harmonies and the church organ are getting samey in my ears after 30 years. So I ordered it. It hasn't arrived yet, I'll let you know what I think of it when it does. However, I need to point out something that seems to have been missed, judging from the posts above:

The proceeds of this album are all going to her charity (of some 20 years standing) for HIV/AIDS women and children. So, schmalz or not, the intention at least is decent and I won't mind giving my money for that.