The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133970   Message #3051416
Posted By: wysiwyg
11-Dec-10 - 11:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dec-2010 Declutter & Accountability YES!
Subject: RE: BS: Dec-2010 Declutter & Accountability YES!
I FINALLY got some clean laundry put away. I had wrecked my shoulder, which made lifting, reaching, and putting into shelves impossible..... I took a shot of cortisone for it last week and only today was I able to DO anything, but TBTG and cortisone I have been able to sleep at least....

Two big administrative thingies got decluttered Friday with agreements about some projects and a higher-up's fervent go-ahead. Lays out my work in two pursuits for the next year, including a trip for a training workshop in March to be held at a dearly-loved place that has been calling and calling me.-- Sewanee. It will be great to go back there. In the meeting, I recommended a Number Two to work with me who was accepted readily; so she will be invited to come share that drive and event. We may detour to see Beaubear.

We pick out a new scooter Tuesday, then visit a class I will be resourcing, to see how they are doing and what they need. Both of these things are in the same college town-- a nice day trip with Hardi.

Then it's back to the Anti-Racism project; I met yesterday with a communications person who can get my stuff up on the diocesan website; this will be an article I already wrote plus pix from the event it describes, which another participant sent to all of us who were there to use as we see fit-- and VIOLA! Another project moving forward.

The highlight of the week was not getting these bottlenecks cleared, but ALSO having dinner with a great new friend I recently met who is wacky and inspired in all the same ways I am. Many points of mutual support and laffter were identified, so it looks to be a good long-distance email and phone thing supplemented by visits when I have to go down-diocese anyway for Stuff.

And what a relief to get the damn laundry put away. I HATE it when I cannot find what I want to wear and the baskets are surrounding me!
