The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134241   Message #3051922
Posted By: Richard Bridge
12-Dec-10 - 02:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
Subject: BS: Charles and Camilla attacked in car?
OK, to be balanced here I quite like old big-ears, and if you look back to the old pictures of his thoroughbred mare you will remember why a lot of the aristocracy were hunting her...

Anyway, I have a nasty suspicious mind and I remember that two previous occasions when big-ears rose in public estimation because of his coolness under (possible) fire were when his little boat was rocked by a spearfisherman and that occasion in Oz when a twerp with a pistol got onto stage with him.

Now COULD the present furore about someone poking Camilla in the ribs with a stick through their Rolls-Royce's window be a put-up job to get the public to love Camilla more? My BS-ometer went off about this when it was suggested that the reason the car window was open was possibly mechanical failure...